Language Exchange Programme
Language Exchange Programme
Would you like to speak in Catalan and/or Spanish and you don't know how to?
The Language Institute has created a Language Exchange Programme so that everybody who wishes to practise Catalan and/or Spanish find someone to do it, while you offer conversation in the languages that you is proficient in.
Those students who wish to participate in it only need to fill in the form below.
The Language Institute will form linguistic couples by putting each participant interested in practising a language in touch with another student who offers conversation in that language. From then onwards, both members can agree on the most suitable conditions for meetings - timetable, place, frequency of meetings, etc.
Besides, those students interested can be part of conversation groups in different languages that adapt to each student’s level.
Guia de suport a l'intercanvi lingüístic (Catalan)
Fitxes_guia_intercanvi_ca (Catalan)
Guía de apoyo para el intercambio lingüístico (Spanish)
Language exchange support guide (English)
Leitfaden zum Sprachtaustausch (German)
Guida di supporto per lo scambio linguistico (Italian)
Guide de support à l'échange linguistique (French)
Guida de supòrt a l'escambi lingüistic (Occitan)
Guia de apoio ao intercâmbio linguístico (Portuguese)
语言交换指南 (Chinese)