The Faculty of Medicine in Lleida is one of the oldest in Europe: medicine was taught in the old Estudi General founded by Jaume II in 1300. Distinguished doctors such as Arnau de Vilanova, after whom the university hospital is named, taught classes at Estudi General until it was closed by Philip V in 1717. The Faculty comprises three buildings. The first building, located on the grounds of the Hospital de Santa Maria, houses central services, the Dean’s Office, the Teaching Office, the Secretarial and Administrative Offices, in addition to the research laboratories in which the first years of the degrees in Medicine, Biomedical Sciences, and Human Nutrition and Diet are taught. In the second building, which is located on the grounds of the Arnau de Vilanova University Hospital, lectures are held for final year degree students in Medicine, and Clinical and Instrumental Practices. The third building is used for both teaching and research and covers an area of some 3,000m2 .
University of Lleida
Campus de Ciències de la Salut
C. de Montserrat Roig, 2
25008 Lleida
+34 973 702 400
Departament of Experimental Medicine
University of Lleida
Campus de Ciències de la Salut
C. de Montserrat Roig, 2
25008 Lleida
+34 973 702 xxx
Departament of Basic Medical Science
University of Lleida
Campus de Ciències de la Salut
Av. de l'Alcalde Rovira Roure, 44
25198 Lleida
+34 973 702 403
Departament of Medicine and Surgery
University of Lleida
Campus de Ciències de la Salut
Av. de l'Alcalde Rovira Roure, 80
25198 Lleida
+34 973 702 xxx