Below you will find the answers to the most frequent questions that students ask according to the procedures that must be completed.

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How long do university master’s degrees take?

University master’s degrees have a teaching load ranging from 60 to 120 ECTS credits. Full-time students will need between one and two academic years to complete a university master’s degree depending on the one chosen.


Can I apply for entry to more than one master’s degree?

You may pre-register for more than one programme, but you must fill in the form, pay the respective fee and send the necessary documents for each master’s degree.


How will I know if pre-registration has been done correctly?

After filling in the form, you will automatically be directed to the pre-registration fee payment platform. Once the process is complete, you will receive an e-mail with the form you filled in.

If the payment process cannot be completed correctly, you will receive an e-mail with a link, where you will be able to complete payment.


How do I send the documentation for admission to the master’s degree?

Documentation for admission and registration, as well as any other required document, must be submitted to the secretariat of the centre by one of the following means (in order of preference):

  • Via the online office using the specific form for sending documentation that you will find in the Estudiants no UdL (Non-UdL Students) section or, if you have registered at this University in the past, in the Estudiants UdL (UdL Students) section;
  • By post, to the address of the respective centre (contact details for the centres);
  • In person, for which you will need to make an appointment (contact details for the centres);
  • By e-mail, if it has not been possible to do so by any of the other routes (contact details for the centres).

Check out the admission and documentation section .


How will I know if I’ve been admitted?

After the application for pre-registration stage, an admitted/not admitted students resolution will be issued by the dean or director of the centre at the proposal of the master’s degree Studies Committee. Check out the pre-registration, admitted students and registration calendar section.


If my application was turned down, can I pre-register again?

Check out the resolution to see why it was turned down. If your situation has changed, you may pre-register again provided that there are places available.

If students have had their applications turned down or have been conditionally admitted due to the lack of documentation, they may submit said documentation before the start of registration, otherwise another pre-registration for admission will need to be done in the second period or, where applicable, later ones provided that there are places available on the master’s degree. Master’s degrees with open pre-registration.


Can I pre-register on a master’s degree if I haven’t completed a bachelor’s degree?


Exceptionally, entry to the master’s degree may be accepted, with conditional registration, for students with credits pending from a Spanish bachelor’s degree, provided you have no more than the bachelor’s degree thesis and 9 ECTS credits pending.

That will only be possible if, by the end of the second pre-registration period or later ones, there are places available once all students with a completed bachelor’s degree have registered.

ATTENTION: to access the Master's Degree in Professional Legal Practice, students must have completed a Bachelor’s degree in Law.


I’ve studied at a foreign university. Can I pre-register to take a master’s degree at the UdL?


Check out the entry and documentation section to see if you meet the admission requirements.

Please note that all documents issued abroad must be official, original and issued by the competent authorities, and they must be legalised diplomatically. If you are from a Member State of the European Union or a country that is a signatory to the European Higher Education Area agreement (EHEA), the last step is not necessary.


Can I choose to study part-time?

If you are unable to devote yourself fully to university studies at the UdL, you have the option to register to study part-time. Check out the documentation to submit section.


Do you want to ask for recognition of master’s degree subjects?

If you want to ask for master’s degree subjects to be recognised as having been passed, you must indicate this on the pre-registration form and then submit an application for recognition, stating the specific subjects you want to have recognised. You will find this application form in the online office. Select whether you are a UdL student or not (Estudiants UdL (UdL Students) or Estudiants no UdL (Non-UdL Students)) and follow the steps shown on the website to send the application.


How do I register?

If you have been accepted, you will receive a confirmation e-mail about the appointment to register online. You must follow the instructions given in the e-mail.

We recommend checking out how to register.


When do I pay the registration fee?

Check out all the means of payment for the registration fee in prices and payments.


Can I pay tuition online?

Yes. The University of Lleida uses the secure payment gateway offered by CaixaBank (virtual POS) that ensures the integrity of communications through secure systems. The credit card data used for online payment is not stored. The minimum age to request the services provided through this payment gateway is 18 years old. The transaction currency of the services that can be contracted will be the euro (€).

If you have non direct debit receipts, you can also pay them through the CaixaBank website following the instructions for paying non direct debit receipts.


Do I need to submit a SEPA direct debit mandate to arrange direct debit payments?

When you enter a new account number or change the name of the holder of an existing account, the SEPA document will appear when completing the self-registration process. The account holder will need to sign that document, and you must submit it to the secretariat within a period of 10 days.

If you do not submit that document, it will mean that you will be unable to register for the next academic year.


Are there any grants, financial assistance programmes or exemptions to enable me to take the master’s degree?

Yes. The UdL applies the usual public university discounts, including large family, disability and victim of terrorism discounts. Check out the exemptions and discounts section.


Students registering for the first year without having obtained a bachelor’s degree may obtain a grant provided that they are in possession of the aforementioned bachelor’s degree by 31 December.


Can I cancel my master’s degree registration?

You must cancel your registration at the UdL as soon as possible.

You must do this by presenting the M1 application form that you will find in the online office. Consult the section "CANCELLATION OF REGISTRATION"



To apply for cancellation of registration, you need to fill in form M1 and submit it via the online office of the UdL. Cancellation involves the loss of a place in the case of new master’s degree students.

The deadline for applying for cancellation is 30 November ON 2024.

For masters that start teaching in January, the period to request the cancellation ends on March 1 of 2025.


If I cancel, will you refund the money I’ve paid?

The amount corresponding to non-teaching administrative fees must always be paid.

A refund of the amount paid for registered credits will only be made if you, as the student, are suffering from a serious illness that can be substantiated by an official medical certificate.

Students wishing to cancel registration must have paid all amounts corresponding to receipts due at that time, i.e., the due date is prior to the date of the application for cancellation.

If any receipts are overdue, they and the respective extra charge must be paid. Cancellation will only be accepted once payment of the debt has been formalised.

 You can find more information in Registration cancellations .



I have registered but I will NOT study at the UdL this year, what should I do?

If you finally decide that you will not study this year in the degree you have registered for, it is VERY IMPORTANT that you cancel your registration as soon as possible.

You must do this by presenting the M1 application form that you will find in the online office. Consult the section "CANCELLATION OF REGISTRATION"


What happens if I don't cancel the registration?

If you don’t tell us otherwise, we will assume that this year you will take the degree you have registered for and, therefore:

  • your place cannot be occupied by another person who is interested;
  • we will continue to send you communications by mail as for the rest of the students;
  • we will proceed to collection of receipts that have not yet been paid;
  • if you have not paid any registration receipt we will claim the outstanding money and apply the surcharges indicated by the academic regulations.


What is the maximum date to cancel a registration?

The deadline for applying for the cancellation of registration is November 30, 2024, except for master’s degrees whose teaching starts in January 2025, for which the deadline for applying for cancellation of registration is March 3, 2025.


If I cancel, will you refund the money I’ve paid?

The amount corresponding to non-teaching administrative fees must always be paid.

Causes of cancellation of registration with a refund entitlement:

  • Accident or serious illness of the students substantiated by an official medical certificate or a report from a health centre or hospital. Students may apply for a refund up to 30 November 2024. Applications submitted after this deadline will be reviewed by the Office of the General Manager, which shall determine if the cancellation is appropiate and whether a full or partial refund of the registration fee should be made.
  • Reallocation of a place on another university course of study within the process of pre-registration on the university master’s degree in Secondary Education Teacher Training and Language Teaching. Students may apply for a refund up to the date indicated in the price decree. The amount corresponding to the registration fee shall not be refunded if a student has applied for reallocation as a result of having done a new pre-registration or applied for a change of preference.
  • Impossibility of obtaining visas in the case of foreign students. Students may apply for a refund up to November 30, 2024.

Any amounts corresponding to the transcript management fee, the compulsory insurance, contracted services and voluntary contributions shall not be refunded.

If any receipts are overdue, they and the respective extra charge must be paid. Cancellation will only be accepted once payment of the debt has been formalised.


Should I to pay the receipts that I have overdue receipts?

Students who wish to cancel their registration for reasons that do not entail a refund must have paid the receipts that are due at that time, that is to say, that the due date is prior to the date of application of cancellation

In the case of registration with a single payment, if the cancellation is requested after the due date of the receipt and until November 15th, the administrative fees of a non-teaching nature and 40% of the amount must be paid of credits; if the application is submitted from November 16 to 30, the aforementioned fees and 70% of the amount of the credits must be paid. If the student has paid the entire registration fee, the corresponding part will be refunded.


What happens if I don't pay overdue receipts?

The cancellation request will not be accepted and the corresponding surcharges will be applied through the non-payment procedure.

The registration will be suspended until the corresponding amount is paid. As a result of this suspension, the student will not be able to make any change to registration, obtain academic certificates, transfer the file, request the degree certificate or register for the next academic year on the same degree or on any other.


You can find more information in Cancellation of registration.


What is performance and continuance?

Academic performance is the minimum number of credits to be passed each academic year, continuance in studies is the maximum number of years that are allowed to enroll in the same degree, and continuance in individual subjects is the number of academic courses available to a person. to pass a subject.

In this link you can consult a SUMMARY of the Permanence Rules


What happens if I don't achieve performance or continuance?

If you do not exceed the minimum number of credits, fail a subject three times or exceed the maximum number of years established in the Continuance Regulations, you will not be able to enroll in the following course. Once the course records have been closed, you must submit a continuance request through the Electronic Office and you will be able to enroll if applicable when you receive the resolution.


How will I know that I do not comply with the permanence?

Before the next enrollment period we will communicate you if you have not met the academic continuance of the enrolled course, if you have exhausted the maximum calls for any subject or if you have exhausted the years enrolled in the same degree.

You must submit a permanence request through the Electronic Office to be able to enroll in the following course. You will be able to register when you have the affirmative resolution.


What is an ECTS credit?

It is a unit of value for university studies in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). At the UdL, each credit is equivalent to 25 hours of student work.


What’s the difference between an official university master’s degree and a university’s own master’s degree?

An official university master’s degree is valid across the territory of the Spanish State. The curricula that must be studied to obtain these master’s degrees have to be verified in advance by the Universities Council of the Spanish Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, be authorised by the Ministry with powers relating to university matters of the Government of Catalonia, and be registered in the Register of Universities, Centres and Degrees (RUCT).

A university’s own master’s degree is an unregulated course of study, which leads to students obtaining an unofficial degree, recognised only by the university where it is taught. Universities regulate entry to their own master’s degrees and set academic prices. For more information, check out the Lifelong Learning Centre.


What is an inter-university master’s degree?

It is a university master’s degree taught at two or more Catalan, Spanish State or other countries’ universities with a single curriculum, where each participating university teaches a number of subjects. The coordinating university is the institution in charge of processing and managing students’ transcripts and registration. The entry requirements are common and mobility is compulsory.


What are Erasmus Mundus master’s degrees?

They are inter-university master’s degrees that form part of the main higher education student exchange programme in Europe. The aim is to improve the quality of higher education by fostering dialogue and understanding between people and cultures through cooperation with third countries.

For Erasmus Mundus university master’s degrees, at least three European Union higher education institutions need to work in partnership. Students taking these master’s degrees must spend at least one study period in two of these institutions, and another in a third-country institution.


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