Situations that allow you to enjoy a discount on or a grant towards the official registration fees.

New and continuing students can enjoy a discount provided that they meet the requirements established in the regulations in force and they accredit this with the corresponding documentation in the cases in which it is necessary to submit the same.

These financial regulations governing registration will apply provided nothing is specified to the contrary in the decree on public prices of the Generalitat (Government) of Catalonia or in other legal regulations.

Important: to be able to enjoy these exemptions and bonuses, you must have the condition and the documentation in force at the beginning of the academic year or the date of registration.

Consult the supporting documents below:

Large family status (category 1) and special family status (category 2 or category of honour)

To what discount are you entitled?

The general large family card applies a 50% discount to the subjects and to the academic record handling fee. The support fee for learning, the compulsory insurance and contracted services must be paid in full.

The special large family card gives the right to free subjects and a free academic record handling fee. The support fee for learning, the compulsory insurance and contracted services must be paid.



Only those students from UdL-affiliated centres need to accredit this condition, and they must submit:

- Original and copy or autenticated copy of the large family document or certificate (students registering for the first time or fave to submit degree renewal).

The exemption only applies to subjects and the transcript academic record management fee; students must therefore pay, in full, the support fee for learning, the compulsory insurance and contracted services.

Grantholder student

To what discount are you entitled?

The deduction only affects subjects on which you register for the first time; therefore, the academic record handling fee, the support fee for learning, the compulsory insurance and contracted services must be paid.

Students receiving a general grant convened by the Ministry of Education are not obliged to pay the academic services contracted.

This payment exception also applies to students pending the decision on the awarding of the grant at the time of registration provided that the requirements are met.

Students who enroll in the first year of a university master's degree without having obtained a degree, as indicated in article 18.4 of Royal Decree 822/2021, of 28 September, which establishes the organization of the university educations and of the procedure of assurance of the quality (BOE of 29 of September of 2021), can obtain scholarship as long as they accredit that they are in possession of the referred degree qualification to 31 of December of 2025.

You must bear in mind that:

If a grant is not awarded, students must pay the respective registration amount. If this payment is not made, the provisions of Article 5.2 these regulations shall be applied.

The filing or filing of any appeal against the denial of the scholarship does not paralyze or suspend the obligation to make the financial settlement effective, as it is considered that the requirements for free registration are not met.

For more information click on the following link: General Ministry Scholarship Information

Student with a distinction

New student:

To what discount are you entitled?

Students who obtained credits with distinctions at the UdL in the immediately previous academic year will be entitled to exemption from payment of the registration fee of the same degree for a number of credits equivalent to those they have obtained with this academic qualification.

The discount will likewise apply to the double master’s degree when the distinction was obtained on one of the master’s degrees which form part of it, provided that it has not ended. The same criterion shall be applied in the event of abandoning the double master’s degree for one of the two which form part of it, provided that the subject with a distinction is recognised on the new master’s degree.

If the credits with a distinction are the last of the bachelor's degree or of a degree from the old plan the exemption shall apply to the master's degree in accordance with the following equivalence: if the course type is annual, 2 credits will be discounted from the master's degree, and if the course type is four-monthly, 1 credit will be deducted.

In this case, if you have the documentation presented and valid at the time of registration, you will see the corresponding discount on the registration selected.

Continuing student:

Students from other years who obtained credits with a distinction at the UdL in the immediately previous academic year do not have to submit any document. 

In this case, if you have the documentation presented and valid at the time of registration, you will see the corresponding discount on the registration selected.

Students with a minimum degree of disability of 33

To what discount are you entitled?

All the public prices as set out in the decree on public prices will be free of charge. The support fee for learning, the compulsory insurance and contracted services must be paid.



Only those students from UdL-affiliated centres need to accredit this condition, and they must submit:

  • Certificate of recognition of the degree of disability issued by the competent authority –disability certificate–.
  • Disability card issued by the Department of Social Welfare and the Family.
  • Resolution of the Ministry of Economy and Finance or of the Ministry of Defence where a retirement pension on grounds of permanent disability for the service is recognised.
  • Resolution of the National Social Security Institute (INSS) where the status of benefit recipient on grounds of total permanent, full or severe disability is recognised.

New access students and continuation students do not need to send any documentation from their own centers. The secretariat of your center will verify the authenticity of the data prior to formalizing the registration.

You must send the certified supporting documents preferably via the online office of the UdL using the specific form for “Foreign students” or “Students not from UdL”. If you have been registered before in this University you may use the form seted in “Students UdL”; by post, to the address of the corresponding center; in person, by requesting an appointment (centers’ contact details); or by email, if it was not possible to use any of the other ways.

In this case, if you have the documentation presented and valid at the time of registration, you will see the corresponding discount on the registration selected.

Student who is the victim of terrorist acts

To what discount are you entitled?

All the public prices as set out in the decree on public prices will be free of charge. The support fee for learning, the compulsory insurance and contracted services must be paid.

This condition must be accredited by submitting the corresponding administrative decision, as well as the family book in the case of dependent children.

You must send the certified supporting documents preferably via the online office of the UdL using the specific form for “Foreign students” or “Students not from UdL”. If you have been registered before in this University you may use the form seted in “Students UdL”; by post, to the address of the corresponding center; in person, by requesting an appointment (centers’ contact details); or by email, if it was not possible to use any of the other ways.

In this case, if you have the documentation presented and valid at the time of registration, you will see the corresponding discount on the registration selected.

Student who is the victim of male violence against women within the context of a couple

To what discount are you entitled?

All the public prices as set out in the decree on public prices will be free of charge. The support fee for learning, the compulsory insurance and contracted services must be paid.

Supporting documents:

This condition is accredited by submitting one of the following documents:

  1.  A document set out in Appendix 1 of the Resolution of 2 December 2021 of the Secretariat of State for Equality and against Gender-based Violence (Spain’s Official State Gazette of 13 December 2021), issued by one of the bodies listed in Appendix 2 of the same Resolution.
  2. A judicial document.


You must send the certified supporting documents preferably via the online office of the UdL using the specific form for “Foreign students” or “Students not from UdL”. If you have been registered before in this University you may use the form seted in “Students UdL”; by post, to the address of the corresponding center; in person, by requesting an appointment (centers’ contact details); or by email, if it was not possible to use any of the other ways.

In this case, if you have the documentation presented and valid at the time of registration, you will see the corresponding discount on the registration selected.

Beneficiariy of the minimum income benefit

To what discount are you entitled?

All the public prices as set out in the decree on public prices will be free of charge. The student must pay the learning support fee, the compulsory insurance and contracted services.

This condition is evidenced by the presentation (original and copy or certified copy) of the resolution recognizing this condition.

 You must send the certified supporting documents preferably via the online office of the UdL using the specific form for “Foreign students” or “Students not from UdL”. If you have been registered before in this University you may use the form seted in “Students UdL”; by post, to the address of the corresponding center; in person, by requesting an appointment (centers’ contact details); or by email, if it was not possible to use any of the other ways.

In this case, if you have the documentation presented and valid at the time of registration, you will see the corresponding discount on the registration selected.

Grants by companies or institutions

To what discount are you entitled?

The deduction only affects subjects; therefore, the academic record handling fee, the insurance and contracted services must be paid in full.

Supporting documents

The status as a beneficiary of this aid must be accredited at the time of formalising the registration, by submitting a letter signed by the coordinator of the master's degree, in accordance with the provisions of Circular 3/2017 about the procedure for the management of private grants, agreements and registration subsidies of master’s degrees.