NEWS YEAR 2010 |
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29/12/10/ The aim of this society is to promote the study and conservation of ichthyofauna autochthonous to Spain and Portugal in view of the risk of extinction of many local species [+]
27/12/10/ This document intended for all Spanish infant, primary and secondary schools will be drawn up by a group of teaching and research staff of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology [+]
20/12/10/ In addition to recovering the double degree in Law and Business Sciences, the UdL is studying the possibility of teaching one in Engineering and Business Sciences, which could start two years from now [+]
15/12/10/ One of the speakers at this pioneering initiative, co-organized with the Lleida Provincial Council, will be the science communicator and director of the Redes programme, Eduard Punset [+]
10/12/10/ In the next few months the Chair and the Digital Literary Corpus will be presented in the cities of London, Cambridge, Naples, Siena and Pavia [+]
03/12/10/ The Catalan universities will offer 10 new degrees in the next academic year. Together with the UAB, the UDL will offer a new joint degree in Veterinary Medicine, with 30 places for graduates of Animal Science and Health [+]
24/11/10/ To promote and enhance R&D, the Governing Council has approved two regulations on recruitment of long-term researchers and temporary part-time lecturers who lead research projects [+]
24/11/10/ The minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Ecuador opened a two-day meeting with representatives from 24 countries of Europe, America and Africa [+]
![]() 15/11/10/ The scientific director of the “la Caixa” Foundation was awarded an honorary doctorate at the UdL, at a ceremony held in the Auditorium of the Centre for Cultures and Cross-border Cooperation of the Cappont Campus [+]
09/11/10/ This week the Faculty of Law and Economics is holding the 10th Conference on Co-Development, organized jointly by several organizations and including presentations and workshops [+]
02/11/10/ The Iberus International Campus of Excellence, formed by the UdL, the University of Zaragoza, the University of La Rioja and the Public University of Navarre, will spend the funds on infrastructure and research facilities aimed at improving quality of life [+]
29/10/10/ The new honorary doctor recalled his work to promote the creation of the University of Lleida when he was vice-rector of the UB. He was sponsored by the professor of Modern History, Roberto Fernández [+]
25/10/10/ Two lecturers of the UdL will receive funding from the TV3 Marathon Foundation for their research into rare diseases. Jordi Tamarit and Mario Encinas will receive over €620,000 to progress in the study of genetic diseases [+]
22/10/10/ Researchers of the UdL collaborate in the creation of a joint research network with Ecuador
21/10/10/ The Spanish Ministry of Education will provide €5,300,000 to fund the initiative led by the University of Zaragoza, with the participation of the UdL, the University of La Rioja and the Public University of Navarre [+]
18/10/10/ Today Professor Vicente Medina presented to the students the programme coordinated by the UdL and involving universities of Mexico, Argentina, Cuba, Chile and Columbia [+]
14/10/10/ The rector defends the creation of joint degrees with African Universities
11/10/10/ According to the SCImago Institutions Rankings, the UdL is among the five Spanish universities with the highest scientific impact. In the field of life sciences, it occupies first place [+]
08/10/10/ The new honorary doctorate, sponsored by the Faculty of Medicine lecturer José Manuel Porcel, is an internationally recognized expert in pleural diseases [+]
30/09/10/ This is stated in a new grant round approved today by the Governing Council, under the UdL-Impuls Programme funded by the Santander Group. The council also approved the call to attract new talent to the University of Lleida [+]
17/09/10/ As in previous years, Joan Viñas stressed that the UdL must cease to be the worst-funded Catalan public university in order to achieve a better regional balance. For his part, Commissioner Joan Majó called for greater collaboration between universities [+]
15/09/10/ This will be possible thanks to the first electronic auction that took place at the UDL, and also in one public authority of Lleida. The three lots were awarded to the company Endesa Energía [+]
10/09/10/ The 10th Urban Studies Week will bring together about 200 participants to discuss topics such as creative industries. urban renewal processes and problems of access to housing [+]
09/09/10/ Working in the framework of the Indra-Adecco Foundation chair, the Robotics Group at the University of Lleida has managed to reduce the head movements required to trigger and use these systems [+]
08/09/10/ The award, in memory of the late professor of the UdL Joan Vilagrasa, recognizes Indovina's research record and the impact and quality of his research, addressing in particular the phenomenon of urban sprawl [+]
28/07/10/ Supported by the Spanish Federation of Orthotists and Prosthetists, this degree will be the only one in this discipline taught in Spain. The course combines subjects in the field of health sciences and engineering [+]
21/07/10/ The University of Lleida has registered more than 2,100 first-year students for the next academic year, 200 more than in 2009, thanks largely to the new degrees in Psychology, Physiotherapy and Electronic Engineering [+]
19/07/10/ The apartments of 30-40 square metres can be rented for months, weeks and weekends. Today, the Spanish Minister of Housing, Beatriz Corredor, inaugurated this complex located near the Agricultural Engineering and Health Science campuses [+]
08/07/10/ Comprising the Universities of Lleida, Zaragoza, La Rioja and Navarra, the project has also been chosen to participate in the Innocampus programme, which will award the seal of research excellence [+]
30/06/10/ Today the Library and Documentation Service presented this collection to the Governing Council, which also approved a new programme of grants for foreign students enrolling in a master's degree at the UdL [+]
29/06/10/ The latest report of the Knowledge and Development Foundation placed the University of Lleida in eighth place in the impact of its articles and in third place in investment per student [+]
29/06/10/Researchers at the Department of Animal Husbandry, sponsored by Endesa, located an animal that has evolved differently from its species in a lake in the Pyrenees of Huesca [+]
21/06/10/ This tool, promoted by the office of the Vice-Rector for Students, the UdL for Everyone Unit and the Computer-Human Interaction and Data Integration Research Group, explains how to create written materials, multimedia presentations and accessible websites [+]
16/06/10/ Adherence to treatment is quite low, according to a study by doctors at the University of Lleida and the Catalan Health Institute in the Lleida Health Area between 2002 and 2007 [+]
11/06/10/ The 9th Catalan Conference on Anatomical Pathology, held today and tomorrow on the Cappont Campus, deals with therapeutic targets in breast cancer, haematology, endometrium, melanoma, soft tissue, kidney, lung, stomach and colon [+]
08/06/10/ The areas of specialization established for the Vall de l'Ebre Campus are agri-food industry and nutrition, sustainable energy, technology at the service of health and preservation of cultural heritage [+]
26/05/10/ The project, led by Professor Jordi Martí-Henneberg, facilitates the analysis of the convergences and divergences in European integration over 150 years. If offers data from between 1870 and 2000 [+]
18/05/10/ The UdL hosts, for the first time in Spain, the International Conference of the Esminger programme of Iowa State University. From Wednesday to Friday, experts from around the world will discuss the challenges of the livestock sector [+]
06/05/10/ The Metabolic Pathophysiology Group, in collaboration with scientists from Finland, has prolonged the life of the fruit fly by 40% by introducing a yeast gene that reduces the production of free radical [+]
30/04/10/ The solar installations will be placed on the roofs of several buildings of the ETSEA and the Cappont Campus. As of December they will be able to sell the electricity they produce [+]
21/04/10/ The Governing Council has approved the awarding of the honorary doctorate on the historian Carlos Martínez Shaw, the scientific director of the "la Caixa" Foundation Jorge Wagensberg and the American biologist Michael A. Savageau [+]
25/03/10/ In a book presented today by the Secretary for Immigration of the Catalan government, the Applied Economics Research Group presents several measures for improving the current system of using temporary foreign labour [+]
23/03/10/ PRES-PM includes the universities of Lleida, Girona, the Balearic Islands, Perpignan Via Domitia and Pierre et Marie Curie Paris IV. Its aim is to promote research and higher education on both sides of the Pyrenees [+]
19/03/10/ The Joan Bergós Xylarium currently has about 700 types of wood from all continents. It owes its name to an architect and essayist from Lleida whose family donated his collection to the School of Agricultural Engineering of the UdL [+]
17/03/10/ Lleida City Council gave the UdL the Prize for Equal Opportunities for Men and Women in the Company for the work carried out by the Dolors Piera Centre and the measures implemented in the Equality Plan [+]
24/02/10/ The Governing Council has approved several grant rounds to encourage research in 2010 and the criteria for applying for ERDF funding for scientific facilities and equipment [+]
05/02/10/ Those interested in renting one of the 150 subsidized rental apartments for students, staff and visiting professors of the UdL can apply through the website of the UdL and the developer company [+]
02/02/10/ Professor Jordi Voltas of the ETSEA will be one of the Spanish scientists forming part of a department of international research on climate change promoted by the University of Siberia and Banco Santander [+]
22/01/10/ The minister for Innovation, University and Enterprise, Josep Huguet, made this announcement at the opening of the new clinical competencies and skills assessment room at the Faculty of Medicine [+]
18/01/10/ This initiative, in which the universities of Zaragoza and Perpignan are taking part, is among the seven actions undertaken by the European project Transversalis to strengthen cross-border social and economic ties in the region between France and Spain [+]
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