Before starting the pre-registration, make sure follow the requirements for admission to the Master's program in which you have interest and see the documents needed to enroll.
Access to official university master’s degrees is in accordance with Royal Decree 822/2021, of 28 September, and the self-evaluation reports for the corresponding master’s degrees |
1) Spanish bachelor/master's degree, diploma, technical architecture o technical engineering
2) EHEA bachelor/master’s degree provided that in the country issuing the degree it entitles access to master’s degree studies.
3) Officially recognized degree
4) Non-recognized bachelor’s degree from outside the EHEA of equivalent training to a Spanish bachelor’s degree provided that in the country issuing the degree it entitles access to postgraduate-level studies. |
5) Unfinished Spanish bachelor’s degree studies |
Documentation is to be submitted to the secretariat of the centre by one of the following means (in order of preference):
- Via the online office using the specific form for sending documentation that you will find in the section Non-UdL students or, if you have already enrolled here, UdL students;
- By regular post, to the address of the corresponding centre: CONTACT WITH CENTRES
- In person, by appointment only: CONTACT WITH CENTRES;
- By email, if it has not been possible to use any of the other channels: CONTACT WITH CENTRES.
Maters related to spors from INEFC: people interested in INEFC-Lleida master's degrees should contact the center directly to sumit the documentation:
Academic services
Phone: 973 27 20 22.
- Foreign students who enrolled with their passport must present it again if it has expired. expired.
- Should you wish to enrol for a part-time course, this must be stipulated on the pre-registration form and attach supporting documentation.
- Should you wish to apply for credit recognition, this must be stated in the corresponding section of the pre-registration application and the following must be submitted:
- The syllabus or table of subjects issued or published by the respective centre.
- Documents accrediting the competencies attained, the educational contents taken or the stamped programme of the subjects passed (it is recommended to provide a link to the official website for consultation).
- Specific documents for each master's degree, if this is stated in the master's information
- DNI or NIE: not need submit this.
- Foreign students who do not have the Spanish NIE must submit a valid passport or your national ID.
- NIE or Passport will be required to carry out the external internships.
- NIE will be required to apply for a scholarship.
- The official academic transcript setting out the grades obtained, and in the case of academic transcripts issued abroad, the numerical scale of these qualifications and the teaching load must be stipulated.
- Documents specific to each master’s degree, if stipulated in the master’s degree information.
- Should you wish to enrol for a part-time course, this must be stipulated on the pre-registration form and attach supporting documentation.
- Should you wish to apply for credit recognition, this must be stated in the corresponding section of the pre-registration application and so the following must also be submitted:
- The syllabus or table of subjects issued or published by the respective centre.
- Documents accrediting the competencies attained, the educational contents taken or the stamped programme of the subjects passed.
- Depending on the access route, the following documents must be submitted. In the event that these documents are not available at the time of pre-registration, as the student has not completed their degree studies or for some other reason, it may be accepted conditionally but the documents must be submitted before the start of enrolment. Preference will always be given to students who are in possession of all documentation at the time of pre-registration.
Route 1 Official Spanish university bachelor/master’s degree, diploma, technical architecture o technical engineering
- Authenticated copy or original and copy of the official university degree for access (bachelor and master if apllicable).
- The center may request the original if applicable
Route 2 Official university bachelor/master’s degree or EHEA equivalent
- Authenticated copy or original and copy of the official university degree for access (bachelor and master if apllicable).
- The center may request the document proving that this degree entitles access to master’s degree studies in the issuing country.
Route 3 Officially recognized degree
- Authenticated copy or original and copy of the recognition credential issued by the Ministry.
Route 4 Non-recognized degree from educational systems that do not belong to the EHEA
- Authenticated copy or original and copy of the official university degree for access.
- Document issued by the university obtaining the degree or by the competent authority of that country certifying that this degree allows access, in the country issuing the degree, to university postgraduate level studies.
Route 5 Access with unfinished Spanish bachelor’s degree studies
- Official academic certificate.
1.3. Requirements for documents issued abroad
Documents issued abroad must be official, original copies issued by the competent authorities, and must be legalized via diplomatic channels. This procedure must be carried out in each of the following bodies and in the order indicated:
- Ministry of Education of the country of origin, for degree certificates and certificates of studies, and the relevant ministry for certificates of birth and nationality.
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the country where the documents were issued.
- Diplomatic or consular representation of Spain in the country where the documents were issued.
All documents issued by the diplomatic authorities or consular services of another country in Spain must be legalised by the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. |
For the legalization of documents from the signatory countries of the Hague Convention of 5 October 1961, the requirements set out above are replaced by the apostille affixed to the document by the competent authority of the state where the document was issued.
It is not necessary to legalize documents issued in the countries of the European Union provided there is no doubt as to their authenticity and legitimacy, nor their official nature.
The aforementioned documents must be accompanied by an official translation into Spanish, Catalan or English, should they be written in another language. This translation can be rendered:
- By any diplomatic or consular representation of Spain abroad.
- By the diplomatic or consular representation in Spain of the country of which the applicant is a subject or, where applicable, of the country where the document was issued.
- By official, sworn translators duly authorized or registered in Spain.
Generally, it is only necessary to provide an official translation of the subject programme in cases where it cannot be assessed adequately without one.
If the original document is written in a non-Latin alphabet, the translation should include the name of the qualification in the original language but transcribed into the Latin alphabet, rather than a translation of that name.
Original documents may be submitted together with a photocopy, and they will be returned to the person concerned following their authentication.
If photocopies have been compared and legalized by the diplomatic or consular representation of Spain in the country where the document was issued or before a notary public, it is not necessary to submit the original at the same time.
Pre-registration is only deemed effective once the pre-registration fee has been paid and the secretary’s office of the centre has received the application with the required documentation.
- Fill in the PRE-REGISTRATION APPLICATION with your personal and academic details.
- Make the payment shown in the decree on public prices under the item “pre-registration fee” by credit/debit card (30,21 euros). Payment can only be made while the pre-registration period is open.
- Send the documentation required for admission to the secretary’s office of the centre preferably via the online office, in person, or by regular mail, within 10 days of the day you pre-registered on the web.
Check the deadlines for pre-registration in the new access calendar.
Submission of applications
Pre-registration must be carried out directly at the University of Lleida via its website. Students must fill in the pre-registration application and pay the amount set out in the decree on public prices, in accordance with the instructions provided on the application. Once the secretary’s office of the centre has received the documentation and the stipulated amount has been paid, pre-registration will be deemed effective and will be examined. The amount paid will not be refunded under any circumstances, except for reasons attributable to the UdL.
Exceptionally, and provided the number of available places exceeds the demand, the master’s degree Studies Committee may propose to the dean or the director of the centre to accept, on a conditional basis, students who are not in possession of all the required documentation, or if documentation is incomplete, or students who, not yet meeting the access requirements, are expected to do so within the deadline for completing enrolment.
Once pre-registration has been received, the corresponding master’s degree Studies Committee will examine the documentation and publish its decision regarding candidates’ admission.
You can check the details of the decision concerning your pre-registration in the new access pre-registration calendar.
Admitted candidates will then receive an email informing them of the necessary details for registering as new users of University of Lleida applications.
Selection criteria
The master's degree Studies Committee will apply the selection criteria specified in the current master's report to subsequently monitor of the study programme and will ensure that they are complied with.
The dean or director of the centre will publish the decision on the notice board of the online office of the University of Lleida and on the master’s degree website. Such publication must be made in accordance with the seventh Additional Provision of Law 3/2018, of 5 December, on data protection and the guarantee of digital rights. The decision will state the reasons in cases of exclusion or conditionality and the appeals that may be lodged by the persons concerned.
Place reservation
Under exceptional circumstances, it is possible to reserve a place for the following academic year. Justification must be submitted within the period established for enrolment.
Reserved places are not deducted from the number of available places for the following academic year.
5% of master’s degree places will be reserved for students with a degree of disability equal to or greater than 33%.
In general, enrolment is done through the online enrolment system.
Check the calendar posted on this page.
If you have never been a student at the UdL or have never accessed the Virtual Campus, you must activate the student account:
- If you have not been studying in the UDL or you have never accessed the Virtual Campus, you must activate your student account: ACTIVATION
- If you have already registered or are a student at the UdL, start the ONLINE ENROLMENT process directly.