25th may 2009
Download pdfUdL passed the European evaluation with Honours
A committee of experts structured their report in the five following sections: governance, research, teaching, internationalisation and quality. They praised the high degree of connection between the University of Lleida and its surroundings, especially as regards the integration of research into territory. In this respect, they highlighted the role of the UdL Board of Trustees and the good relationship between UdL and other local institutions, an example of which is the Agri-Food Science and Technology Park.
The assessment report also remarked the improvement that has taken place in the last few years as regards the conception of UdL as a corporative identity and the good design of strategic plans.
However, EUA evaluators encouraged the university to work more actively in its internationalisation. In spite of the high rate of mobility of different groups within the university community, they pointed out that it would be necessary to foster cooperation with other universities in Europe and overseas as regards other initiatives, such as research networks, shared qualifications, European master’s degrees, etc. In this respect, they proposed UdL to participate in the Leonardo programme, which promotes exchanges among students from different universities and companies.
As regards the Bologna process, the committee confirmed that difficulties in the implementation of the European Higher Education Area are common across Europe. Nevertheless, they suggested that experts are already talking about post-Bologna process, which would be based on mobility, lifelong learning and quality.