10th february 2009
Download pdfAsha Miró opens the 1st Intercultural Week at UdL
Asha Miró |
The event bore the title “Migration, Culture and Development: The Worth of One’s Own Values. All activities were free and open to the general public.
The Intercultural Week took place between the 16th and the 19th February at the Cappont campus. The Video-conference Room at the Cultures Centre hosted workshops in henna painting, Arabic writing, masks from the Beijing opera, Chinese calligraphy and news report writing on immigration issues. The venue for round tables was the Information and Documentation for Development Centre and the topics discussed were "Medicine, agriculture and intercultural issues" and "Education, literature and intercultural issues".
Both the Vice-rector for International Relations and Cooperation Carme Figuerola and the Bancaja Director of the Lleida-Tarragona area Joan Carles Bonfill highlighted the importance of strengthening intercultural relations, since knowledge of other realities and cultures proves an enriching experience.
1a Setmana Intercultural de la Universitat de Lleida
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